Welcome to Aligning Alma


Through guided Reiki shamanic meditations and balancing energy


Soul Aligning Center

You deserve better than a rushed massage by a rookie therapist in a place that makes you feel more stressed.


Luxury Spa

Aligning with Reiki, Guides and Breath you will receive a tailored meditation and healing that provides rest, relief and peace. Along with clarity and support to be present in the now connecting you with your divine right of love, abundance, creativity, and direction. Clearing old thought form and past pains and emphasizing the truth of love that is already present within you

Starting From $75

Stone Therapy

you have reached the end of the rope ! the days are long and nights are impossible, you feel like quitting is the answer, We support your need to let go, we are here to listen to that plea we offer techniques to calm the mind and recenter yourself giving you a safe space to have all the feeling you have without judgement.

Often we don’t really want to quit what we desire is relief in a safe space. An answer that we can’t seem to align with

Starting From $48

Stone Therapy

Dis-Ease comes with the gift of bringing awareness to death, We get to focus on living life to its fullest with the awareness that nothing is permanent, this can be exhilarating once alignment has taken place. We provide a place to face the difficulties as well as bring comfort and relief of stress during the time. Helping you to connect with the place of intention, clear old energetic debris before the transition, bring peace to your lived past and relief to the people surrounding you.

Starting From $48
We often put so much energy into others, our careers, and mis-aligned projections that forget to invest in self-love, Leaving us drained, resentful and angry. We may not feel like we are valued or worthy, continuously choosing words and situations that disempower us.

In these sessions you are given the permission to love your self. we work together to set firm intentions and boundaries, remove blocks and thought forms that discourage self-love, aligning you with your divine power and ability to detach from suffering

Aroma Therapy

Cancer requires us to slow down and lighten up, it pushes us to the brink and breaks us off all we thought we knew. We are given the permission to love ourselves. We often put so much energy into others, maybe our careers, and forget to invest in self-love, in this one-on-one or group we recognize where we can love ourselves more, we set firm intentions and boundaries, we also remove blocks and thought forms that discourage self-love, through energetic healing allowing us to be whole and empowered.

Starting From $40

Skin Treatment

This Alignment is not for the faint of heart, It ask that you become raw with the part you play in your suffering as well as the suffering of those you love. Facing this darkness is self loving, personal and powerful and can help you heal in ways you never thought imaginable. This course is ridged. We evaluate the core belief systems that caused cancer from an energetic perspective, We ask about habits, lifestyle, dreams and desires. For the caregiver to also recognize are they playing a role in their loved ones dis-ease. Do you bring certain elements into the dynamic that are unhealthy. Can we recognize the part we play, ask for forgiveness, acceptance and initiate universal love? This course includes Energetic and Intuitive Healings

Starting From $64

Skin Treatment

we work through series,  utilizing breath work, journaling, affirmations, and energetic healing work to move through the process of cancer treatment and after treatment transition. We address the illusion of control, create empowerment at any state of the journey be it allopathic, holistic or both. This is a safe space to work through the process cancer takes you through and allows space to enjoy lif
mations, and energetic healing work to move through the process of cancer treatment and after treatment transition. We address the illusion of control, create empowerment at any state of the journey be it allopathic, holistic or both. This is a safe space to work through the process cancer takes you through and allows space to enjoy life.

Starting From $64

The best of our services

Consequat elementum, dolor egestas at faucibus dictumst at ultrices auctor gravida neque, dolor molestie ut fames porttitor egestas quisque bibendum felis nascetur maecenas et.

Beautiful Gothic arches reflecting in water, vibrant colors create a mesmerizing effect.

Guided Reiki Healing Meditation

Maecenas in cursus laoreet pulvinar enim commodo justo sed euismod velit.


Reiki Relaxation

Maecenas in cursus laoreet pulvinar enim commodo justo sed euismod velit.


Into the Soul

Maecenas in cursus laoreet pulvinar enim commodo justo sed euismod velit.


See yourself as whole and connect to infinite peace

Guided Meditation

Mi vitae duis vel consequat netus condimentum hendrerit malesuada netus ornare urna.


Dolor pretium duis sit turpis congue sed tortor molestie condimentum adipiscing.

Healing and Clearing

Pulvinar lectus viverra sit donec eget faucibus tristique dui velit consequat.


Want to make booking or have a question?

Call us on 123-456-7890 or simply book an appointment

Lotus spa center is the best till date I have experienced in past few months. They know hospitality very well. Even the spa & massage is extremely soothing. Rates are also pretty reasonable.


San Francisco

your in perfect alignment.

Create an appointment

Free 15min phone consultation.

There are infinite possibilities, resources should never keep you from healing. Reach out to see how we can work together

123 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10160, United States.


Sunday – Saturday
8am – 7pm


Email: aligningalma@aol.com

Phone number
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